Dental professionals recommend patients see a dentist every six months, regardless of whether they have an immediate concern. However, there are times when you need to act swiftly and prevent a dental problem from getting worse. In this post, we are discussing urgent signs to see a South Denver, CO dentist.
Your toothache is getting worse
This is probably the most common reason why people see a dentist beyond their usual appointments. If you are experiencing severe pain in your gums, teeth, or jaw that doesn’t seem to get better, see a dentist at the earliest. Dental pain is often related to inflammation, decay, or disease. For instance, advanced gum disease can be a source of pain, or when you have an active infection in a tooth, there could be a severe toothache.
You have loose teeth
Your teeth should not be loose or move around inside the mouth. If you have advanced gum disease, you may have loose teeth, which could eventually lead to serious problems. Early intervention and treatment are critical. Your dentist will do an oral exam and may recommend periodontal cleaning and other treatments. With effective care, you will not have to worry about extractions.
Your gums are receding
If you think your gums are pulling back, creating an elongated appearance for your teeth, you should see a dentist on priority. It could be a regular sign of aging, but in other cases, gum disease could be a factor. Your dentist will check if scaling and periodontal cleanings can help fix the problem.
You have bleeding gums
Brushing and flossing should not cause bleeding. If you have been bleeding from your gums and have visible inflammation, it could be a sign of early gum disease, also known as gingivitis. It would be best if you saw your dentist, who will recommend the right products to use and may also consider scaling and root planing.
You have a dental emergency
Did you lose a tooth because of an injury? Are you bleeding from an injured tooth? A dental emergency shouldn’t be taken for granted. You need to seek care because early treatment can avoid complexities related to tooth loss. If a tooth has been knocked off, place it in water and go to the nearest clinic.
As long as you choose a good and qualified dentist, most of the above concerns can be addressed effectively. Call a local dental clinic in your area now!