When we talk about palletizers then we mean a machine that can place goods and packages onto certain pallets. On the other hand, depalletizers is a machine that removes packages from pallets.
Both palletizers and depalletizers are generally designed as per custom need to meet certain specific pallet needs of the end user. Top Industries can offer you a customized Depalletizer for your operation.
The point at which the production line is discharged is crucial in this process since the product has been wrapped and is now ready for delivery. Considering what a palletizer ought to be able to perform is crucial because this output has grown to be very variable.
Each case’s 24 containers are no longer a benchmark for gauging line output. Due to the possibility that any of the following product configurations will be sent to the palletizer, a calculated “equivalent cases” value has been utilised as a measure.
- 24-unit cases
- 12-unit wrap pack
- 4, 6, or 8-basket packs/cases
- 18-unit wrap pack
- Multi 12-packs taped
- Also, many other make-ups
Therefore, elevated or floor-level palletizer designs have undergone a technical change to accommodate the continually changing packaged product configurations.
Palletizing cases may be able to match output without robotic aid when production line speeds approach practical limits; nevertheless, as packaged product configurations demand, machinery and equipment development may become more automated, highlighting the relevance of container input and case output.
Palletizing as we know it now, using pallets or slip sheets, may become obsolete in the future. Instead, cases or units may be airblown into a sensitive “wrap” container and stored magnetically.
The difficulty starts where containers are offloaded in the warehouse using a variety of techniques before being fed or stored directly into a production line.
For instance, several manual dumping techniques were utilised to empty containers into conveyors when the returnable or any one-way non-returnable bottle packaging mix was used more frequently.
Semi-automatic de-casing machinery has occasionally been “built” or “rigged” to complete the task. Such variable container handling techniques were essentially a way of quickly, safely, and productively “depalletizing” containers, which proved the requirement for an actual depalletizing machine.
The fact that cans delivered by rail car or box trailer are typically palletized, emptied using lift trucks, and then transported to storage emphasises the significance of depalletizers.
However, JIT (Just in Time) delivery enables the direct transportation of palletized containers to a can line depalletizer and layering off to the production whip line.
Second, new technology has produced a variety of floor-model depalletizers for bottles that are intended to handle the container removal process.
High frequency container modifications can and will continue to give depalletizer operations first priority in either scenario.
Depalletizer equipment or another unload/feed mechanism must be provided by manufacturers in order to accommodate the line’s crucial stage where the containers are dropped off on the line conveyor arrangement, as current selection input technology used for individual container cases, mass container pallets, or individual containers will proceed to pose a challenge.
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